Nerve Renewal - Neuropathy Clinic - Logo

Provider Information

Are your patients looking to reduce neuropathy-related nerve pain without strong pain medications or invasive procedures?

When patients are in chronic pain their overall physical and mental health continues to decline.

We partner with doctors and medical facilities that want their patients to have an option for treating the pain from peripheral, diabetic, and chemotherapy induced neuropathy that doesn’t rely on medication or surgical implants.

Nurse Asking Patient Questions

Submit a Referral Form

Our referral forms list all documentation necessary for specific conditions or therapies, including patient details and prior lab work needed to begin the insurance approval process.

Provide Any Additional Patient Information

If something’s missing from the original information, we’ll contact your office as we work through the insurance approval process to ensure we start nerve therapy as quickly as possible.

Woman Speaking With Medical Team During Neuropathy Therapy
Nerve Renewal Clinc Staff - Patient Check-in

Receive Regular Post-Therapy Updates

We provide post-therapy updates following a series of treatments for your patient, so you always know how they handled the nerve therapy and any recommended adjustments based on health changes.